Kendra and Jackie are both single moms that found martial arts and fitness as blessing from God. We have created our own spin on Kickboxing , that include rhythmic cardio (each specially choreographed by SOS). We incorporate Tabata , clearly defined intervals 20 seconds work 10 rest. Tabata is a higher intensity version of HIIT.
THEN SOS HIIT. We take endurance to a new level. High intervals to low intervals that create endurance and one major Fat burn. We also offer resistance training. We utilize bands that incorporate a variety of training techniques such as calisthenics, isometric and plyometrics. Creating the best strength training to improve strength and endurance. Now the best part in our book , Bagwork! We take our traditional training in Taekwondo and put some sweaty chics Grit in there. We focus on correct form and power that comes from the hips! Yes not the hands are legs. Are you intrigued? Come see us! Can't wait to see our new Sweat Sistas and Mistas.